
  • ngathi

    Yansenen Jewelry
    Yansenen is a trademark of Shenzhen Xiaozhima Jewelry Co., Ltd
    ibizo lenkampani:
    Shenzhen Xiaozhima Jewelry Co., Ltd
    umuntu osemthethweni: lizhiru(李志如)
    Tel: +86-19129574473
    No. B0726, 7th Floor, Building 1, Wanshan Jewelry Park
    No. 42 Tianbei Fourth Road, Cuijin Community, Cuizhu Street,
    Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guang Dong, China 518020

    isikhathi somsebenzi:Monday - Friday 9AM-6PM

    ikhamphani yokuthengisa ye-China yezobuchwepheshe
    shenzhen yansenen jewelry, inc. yasungulwa ngo-2020, yinkampani yobucwebe be-yansenen ye-China, ngumkhiqizi we-yansenen we-yansenen ohamba phambili kanye nomthengisi otholakala e-shenzhen ye-China, yi-chinese yansenen jewelry plaza.

    Into esiyithengisako yenziwa e-China begodu nje ungathenga imikhiqizo le ngqo e-fm e-China, ema-wholesale pces, ght lapha ku-o online wholesale yansenen jewelry shop.

    ekulethweni kwemikhiqizo, sizokunikela ngaphambi kwemikhiqizo, njengoku-oda isipho sinye kanye nekhwalithi ye-pblem, sizokunikela ngaphandle kwemibandela ukuyibuyisela.

    sithengisela ngqo emphakathini ngesaphulelo sama-wholesale pces.

    iwaranti direct fm china yansenen jewelry shop
    yoke imikhiqizo yobucwebe be-yansenen esiyithengisako iwaranti yomnyaka owodwa. sinikela ngokuzeleko ngemva kokuthengisa emakhasimendeni we-wholesale kanye nabathumeli bephasi loke, abathumela nathi.

    iindlela zokubhadela ezilula neziphephileko
    i-paypal / i-bank traner / i-western union

    isikhathi sokuphatha: amalanga wokusebenza ama-3-7.
    woke amajuwelari atlhoga ukulungiswa ngokwezifiso, njengebizo le-letteng / amagama wethando.

    isikhathi sokuthunyelwa: amalanga wokusebenza ama-3-5.
    ungakhetha bona ngiyiphi indlela efanele wena lokha nawufaka i-oda. ukuthunyelwa kwenziwa nge-coier efana ne-fedex, ups, dhl, ems begodu kuthatha amalanga wokusebenza ama-3 ukuya kwamahlanu ukuya lapho uya khona.

    amaphuzu aphasi khulu
    sikunikela ama-pces wesaphulelo esiphasi khulu sokuthengisa / ukuthunyelwa kiwo woke ubucwebe be-yansenen obuthola esitolo se-inthanethi.

    chofoza lapha ukubuza imibuzo yakho ku-inthanethi kwanje.

    isitifiketi sebhizinisi:

  • ungathumela njani nathi?

    ungathumela njani nathi?

    -i-shippineans umthengisi wakho uthumela ipahla ngqo kumakhasimende wakho, kodwana ngokuya ngamakhasimende wakho, bathenge imikhiqizo kuwe begodu abathintani nathi.

    sivumela ukuthumela ama-oda kiwo woke amakhasimende atlolisiweko.

    azikho iindleko ezingezelelweko.

    vele u-ode nge-inthanethi ngendlela efanako njengenjwayelo, kodwana faka amakheli wokulethwa ahlukileko ku-akhawunti.

    (ungafaka nekheli elitjha lokuthumela ngesikhathi sokuphuma.)

    ungathola amakheli wokuthumela amanengi ngendlela othanda ngayo atlolwe ku-akhawundi yakho.

    lokha nawu-oda, sizokwenza bona ufake -ukuthunyelwa kumthengi emazwaneni wokuthumela. sihlala sihlola ngokutjheja (ukuthola i-frd prnntion) bona ikheli lokuthumela lihlukile na ekhelini le-lling, ngalokho nangabe ulikhasimende elitjha lokuthumela kungatlhogeka bona sikuthumelele i-imeyili namkha sikufonele ukuqinisekisa ngaphambi kokuthatha i-oda.

    asifaki iindaba zokukhangisa / ama-invoyisi njll lokha nasithumela ipahla, ngalokho kuvikela idumo lakho njengomthengisi. angeze bazi i-soce yamambala yepahla, begodu angeze bazi imali oyibhadeleko.

    ama-pces atjengiswe ku-invoyisi yokuthumela azokuhluka kunalokho ikhasimende elikubhadele khona. nanyana kunjalo nangabe ikhasimende lakho liyakubuza ungatjho bona lawa ngamanani wesimemezelo samasiko kwaphela. nanyana kukuphi i-pce ephasi emenyezelwe s yehlisa umthelo we-ad-valorem nofana umthelo wokuthengisa ikhasimende elingazibhadela lokha nalithola ipahla engeniswako emazweni athileko. sibawa uhlole mayelana nemithetho yokungenisa / yomthelo ngaphambi kokuthi uthome ukuthengisa, begodu uhlale wazisa am

    nangabe ikhasimende lakho linemiraro yokusekelwa kwezobuchwepheshe, nofana lifuna ukubuyisa umkhiqizo, lizokukhuluma nawe ngalokhu kokuthoma ngombana li-akhawundi yakho nathi.

    sibawa uqaphele bona nangabe kunemthelo yokungeniswa kwepahla okufuze uyibhadele, uvamise ukuyibhadela lokha nawufumana ipahla evela ku-coier. njeke nangabe uthumela, lokho kutjho amakhasimende wakho angabhadela iindleko ezingezelelweko ngokungakalindeleki.

    sibawa uqaphele bona kungumthwalo wakho njengomthengi / umthengisi wemikhumbi ukuthola ilwazi ngeentela begodu wazise amakhasimende wakho. asivumi nanyana ngimuphi umthwalo wokunikela ilwazi lomthelo eliphathelene nezwe lakho, nanyana kunjalo sizokwenza koke esingakwenza bona wehlise umthelo ngaphandle kokuthi uthole imiyalo ekhethekileko yokupakisha/yokumemezela.

  • amazinga wokuthumela

    I-yansenen inikela ngokuthunyelwa okujayelekileko okurhabako, kiwo woke ama-oda we-inthanethi ephasini loke. amakhasimende weentjhabatjhaba, kanye namakhasimende angaphandle kwezwekazi le-china, anesibopho semali yokuhlanya, kufaka hlangana nanyana ngimiphi imithelo nofana imisebenzi yamasiko. I-yansenen ivamise ukusebenzisa i-dhl/ems/fedex malungana nokuthunyelwa, nanyana kunjalo, singasebenzisa nanyana ngikuphi ukuthunyelwa esikubona kufanele. sibawa uthintane nathi nganoma ngiziphi iimbawo ezikhethekilek

    isikhathi sokuphatha: amalanga wokusebenza ama-3-7.
    (woke amajuwelari atlhoga ukulungiswa ngokwezifiso, njengebizo le-letteng / amagama wethando ebucwebeni)

    isikhathi sokuthunyelwa: amalanga wokusebenza ama-3-5.
    (woke amaphasela athunyelwa nge-express, eza ngesikhathi.)

  • umthelo wokuthengisa namalunga

    woke ama-pces kuwebhusayithi atjengiswa ngamadola we-United States.
    kufaka hlangana umthelo wokuthengisa, nangabe kuyasebenza, kuzokufakwa ku-oda lakho.

  • ukutlhogomela nokulungisa

    nangabe ungathanda ukuhlanza ubucwebe bakho ekhaya, into esikuphakamisela yona, ngaphandle kokwazi ukuhlanza, kukukhuhla ngebrashi yamazinyo ethambileko engakasetjenziswa namanzi afuthumeleko. singathaba ukuhlanza ubucwebe bakho nangabe ungathanda ukuhlela bona bathunyelwe ehhovisini le-China. sibawa uthintane nesiqhema sokusekela ngemibuzo.

    sibawa uthintane nethimba lokusekela malungana nokulungiswa. siziphatha zoke ngokuhlukileko ngokuya ngokuthi khuyini ekufuze ilungiswe. +86-19129574473

  • ama-retns nokutjhentjhana

    ngebanga lobuciko bomuntu ngamunye obubandakanyekako esiqetjhaneni esikhiqizwe efemini, i-yansenen yamukela i-retns ebujameni. ungatjhentjhana ngepahla ngokuya ngomthethomgomo wokutjhentjhana ovezwe ngenzasi. ukutjhugululwa kwepahla engahambisani nemibandela nesikhathi esibekiweko esibekwe ngenzasi kungalahlwa yi-yansenen begodu kuzokubuyiselwa kuwe.

    ukutjhinisana nabantu
    ungatjhentjhana ngepahla ethengwe kuwebhusayithi. iphasela equkethe ipahla ezakutshintshaniswa kufanele ifakwe kumthumeli kungakapheli amalanga ama-sn (7) ngemva kokwamukelwa kwepahla.

    ikambiso yokutjhentjhana
    nawufuna ukutjhugulula ipahla, kufanele ulandele amagadango alandelako:
    Call +86-19129574473 or email ukubawa ukutjhugululwa. I-yansenen izokuthumela ilebula yokuthunyelwa kwe-retn. ilebula yokuthumela isebenza kwaphela ngelanga elitjhiwo elebulini yokuthumela. faka ipahla nayo yoke imibhalo efakwe nepahla ebhokisini layo lokuthoma. yoke imithwalo kufanele ifakwe emabhokisini amabili kusetjenziswa amabhokisi amatjha, angasetjenziswako. isibonelo, ipahla kufanele ifakwe ebhokisini layo lokuthoma, ngaphakathi kwebhokisi eliphakathi nendawo, ngaphakathi kwebhokisi elikhulu. vala iphakheji yokudiliva bese unamathisela ilebula yokuthumngaphandle kwephakheji kiyo nanyana ngiyiphi indawo eneensebenzi (akunamabhokisi) nofana ushayele ukuhlela ukulandwa. nangabe ufowuna ukuhlela ukulandwa, iphasela kufanele liskeniwe ngaphakathi kwe-express ngaphambi kobana umtjhayeli athole indawo yokulandwa. kufanele ugcine begodu ugcine irisidi lakho. kufanele ugcine i-pof yokuthunyelwa kwe-retn.u-yansenen akavumi umthwalo we-nt ongakwazi ukukhiqiza i-pof enjalo. yimpahla eyamukelwa yi-yansenen kwaphela ezokufanelekela ukutjhugululwa. lokha nasele amukele ipahla, u-yansenen uzokuqinisekisa bona ipahla leyo ihlangabezana nemibandela yomthethomgomo wokutjhentjhana.

    imibandela yokutjhugulula ipahla
    Imikhiqizo ye-yansenen kufanele ibe sebujameni obutjha nobungasetjenziswako, isebujameni obuhle, nazo zoke izinto ezisetjenziswako begodu zifakwe amathegi neentika kizo. i-yansenen angeze yamukela ukutjhugulula nanyana ngiyiphi ipahla etjengisa ukuguga, nofana esetjenziswe nofana etjhugululwe ebujameni bayo bokuthoma nganoma ngiyiphi indlela.

    i-yansenen angeze yamukela ukutjhugululwa nganoma ngimiphi imiyalo ekhethekileko, ubukhulu, itjhugululwe, nofana iingcezu ezitjhugululiweko.

    koke ukuthengiselana kuzokubuyekezwa ukuqinisekisa bona ipahla iyahlangabezana namazinga we-yansenen. nangabe ipahla ayihlangabezani namazinga la, i-yansenen izokwala ukutjhugululwa begodu ipahla izokuthunyelwa emuva ekhasimendeni. nangabe ipahla ihlangabezana namazinga la, u-yansenen uzakuragela phambili nokutjhentjhana.

  • imibandela nemibandela

    (The "Website") is a site operated by Shenzhen Yansenen Jewelry Co., Ltd(深圳市思达意珠宝有限公司), hereafter referred to as "Yansenen" or "we”. Use of the Website is subject to the following Terms of Use (the "Terms"). Yansenen may revise these Terms from time to time by updating this page, with the revised Terms taking effect for all users as of the date stated on the posting. Your continued use of this Website following the posting of any changes indicates your acceptance of the changes. You should consult the Terms regularly.

    Please read the Terms carefully before using the Website. You expressly acknowledge that you are aware of these Terms and have had access to the same upon entering the Website. Your use of the Website constitutes your agreement to the Terms. If you do not agree with the Terms, please do not use the Website.

    All text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, and data compilations, both individually and as they are compiled on the Website, and all software found on the Website are the property of Yansenen or our suppliers and are protected by China and international copyright laws.

    The trademarks or trade dress of Yansenen and our affiliates may not be used without our written permission. Trademarks or trade dress include the Yansenen name and other graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and services name of Yansenen's products, services, and programs, and those of our affiliates.

    Disclaimer of liability
    Neither Yansenen nor its affiliates make any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation that the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Website, including the server that makes it available, is free of viruses or other harmful components. Except as otherwise provided by applicable laws, in no event shall Yansenen, its affiliates, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, successors, and assigns, be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, consequential or other damages arising out of or related to the use, inability to use, authorized use, performance or nonperformance of the Website, as well as to damages for lost profits, business interruption or the loss of data or information, even if Yansenen was previously advised of the possibility of such damages and regardless of whether such damages arise in contract, tort, under statute, in equity, at law or otherwise.

    Governing law
    Any claims, controversies, or disputes shall be governed by the laws of the China, without regard to the principles of conflicts of law. Your use of the Website indicates your agreement that the laws of the Commonwealth of China, without regard to the principles of conflicts of laws, will govern any dispute of any sort that may arise between you and Yansenen and any of our affiliates. The disposition of any such dispute shall take place in a state or federal court located in Shenzhen,GuangDong,China. You consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such court.

    You agree to indemnify Yansenen, its affiliates, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, successors, and assigns from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from your violation of these Terms.

    Entire agreement
    These Terms (as amended from time to time) constitute the entire agreement between you and Yansenen regarding your use of the Website and any transactions you may have with Yansenen and its affiliates through the Website, and supersedes any other agreement or understanding, whether written or oral, between you and Yansenen with regard to the subject matter of the Terms.

  • umthethomgomo we-privacy

    Yansenen recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of information collected about you.

    The information we collect
    Generally, you may browse the Website without providing any personally identifiable information. When placing an order, you may register and create an online account. During this process, you will be required to provide valid and current personal information, including but not limited to your name, phone number, billing information, and email address, as well as other personal information such as shipping address, billing address, and payment details (collectively, the "Personal Information").

    From your purchases and other interactions with us, we obtain information concerning the specific products or services you purchase or use. When you visit this Website, our web server automatically collects anonymous information such as log data and IP addresses. We may use the automatically collected information for a number of purposes, such as improving our Website design, product assortments, customer service, and special promotions.

    How we use the information we collect
    We use this information to provide you with better service, in particular, for the following reasons:
    to complete your purchase transactions, to provide the services you request, to keep you informed about the status of your orders, to send you our catalogs and other offerings by mail, to identify your product and service preferences, so we can notify you of new or additional products, services, and promotions that might be of interest, and internal record keeping.

    The following information will be used jointly by Yansenen, PayPal, who provides the online payment portal, and your credit card company to process payment of your order: your name and address, your credit card information, the identification of the creations you have ordered, and the price paid for the creations you have ordered.

    Others with whom we may share your information:
    affiliates of Yansenen, third-party service providers and vendors we engage to help us run our business, carefully selected outside companies when we believe their products or services may be of interest to you, a purchaser or potential purchaser of our business. We may provide access to information when legally required to do so, to cooperate with police investigations or other legal proceedings, to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of this Website, to limit our legal liability and protect our rights or to protect the rights, property or safety of visitors of this Website or the public.

    Your choices regarding use of the information we collect:
    If you prefer to be removed from the list of customers that receive direct mail or telemarketing calls, please email:, call: +86-19129574473 or write to: C33 Innovation Industrial Park, Room 206, Cuizhu North Road No. 33, Dongxiao Street, Luohu District, Shen Zhen City, Guang Dong Province, China 518019, including your name and address and stating whether you wish to be removed from mail offers, phone offers, or both.

    Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
    This Website is directed to adults; it is not directed to children under the age of 13. We operate the Website in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, and will not knowingly collect or use personal information from anyone under 13 years of age.

    In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place commercially reasonable physical, electronic, and administrative procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you. In the absence of negligence on our part, we shall not be held liable for any loss you may suffer if a third party obtains unauthorized access to any Personal Information you provide to us.

    Cookies are files that store information on your hard drive or browser that allow the Website to recognize that you have previously visited. We use cookies for certain areas of the Website, including but not limited to session cookies, persistent cookies and web beacons. We use cookies for things like keeping track of what is in your shopping cart, recording your session information, and improving the Website design and our customer service. You can disable cookies and web beacons on your computer by indicating this in the preferences or options menus in your browser.

    Links to other sites
    The Website may link to other websites which are not within our control. We do not make any representations or warranties about any website you may access through the Website. They are independent from us, and we have no control over, or responsibility for, their information or archives. Once you leave the Website, we cannot be responsible for the protection and/or privacy of any information you provide. Make sure you understand any website's privacy policies before providing personal information.

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