
  • ko ina wona amen

    Yansenen Jewelry
    Yansenen is a trademark of Shenzhen Xiaozhima Jewelry Co., Ltd
    innde sosiyetee:
    Shenzhen Xiaozhima Jewelry Co., Ltd
    neɗɗo sariya: lizhiru(李志如)
    Tel: +86-19129574473
    wakere wonde:
    No. B0726, 7th Floor, Building 1, Wanshan Jewelry Park
    No. 42 Tianbei Fourth Road, Cuijin Community, Cuizhu Street,
    Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guang Dong, China 518020

    golle golle:Monday - Friday 9AM-6PM

    pfessional sosiyetee njulaagu leydi Siin
    jeyli yansen, inc. sosaa e hitaande 2020, ko fedde jewelry china yanse, ko kañum woni gardiiɗo jewelry yansen mawɗo e distbutor tawaaɗo e nder shenzhen china, ko plaza yannsen chinese.

    rything min yeeydata ko e nder leydi Siin, jooni aɗa waawi soodde ɗii pducts direct fm leydi Siin, e pces grossiste, ght ɗoo e o online grossiste yansenen jewelry shop.

    e nder delivery puct, maa min ndokku on ko adii nde min puɗata, ko wayi no dokkal gootal e pblem gooto, min mbaɗata ko e dow sarɗi ngam lomtaade.

    min njeeyta direct e renndo ngoo e pces limgol limce.

    Garanty FM, gardiiɗo FM Yansen Jewelry
    denndaangal piɗtaali jewelry yansenen min njeeytat e garanti 1 hitaande. min njiɗi ko timmuɗo caggal-siyooɓe e soodooɓe mawɓe e neldooɓe winndere ndee, ɓe neldata e amen.

    laabi yoɓde ko weeɓi e kisal
    paypal / banke traner / dental hirnaange

    waktu gollal : balɗe 3-7 golle.
    kala jewelry ina haani huutoraade neɗɗo, ko wayi no letteng innde /konnguɗi giɗli.

    waktu neldugol: balɗe golle 3-5.
    aɗa waawi suɓaade hol feere ɓurnde welde so a waɗii yamiroore. neldugol ko coier ko wayi no fedex, ups, dhl, ems kadi ina ƴetta tan balɗe 3-to-5 golle haa yo nokku.

    Ultra Low Pces
    min ndokka on ultra low record / shi l intext pces e denndaangal jeewte yannen ɗe njiy-ɗon e oline shop.

    ɓuɗɗu ɗoo ngam ƴamde yo naamne yo on e internet jooni.

    seedantaagal njulaagu:

  • no -shion e amen?

    no -shion e amen?

    -shippineans yo supplier nelda marsandiis direct to yo soodooɓe, kono ko fayti e yo soodooɓe, ɓe coodi pducts fm on e ɓe he no jokkondirde e amen.

    min njaɓata -ship yamiroore ngam denndaangal soodooɓe winnditiiɓe.

    alaa ko ɓeydi e njoɓdi ɓeydaandi.

    yamirde tan e internet no woorunoo, kono ɓeydu heen adresuuji jokkondire ceertuɗi e konte.

    (aɗa waawi kadi ɓeydude adres neldugol keso e dow-fly ding pcess ƴeewndo.)

    aɗa waawi no adresuuji neldugol no njiɗir-ɗaa limtude e konte maa.

    so a yamirii, ɗum waɗat min so a waɗtii -neldude to soodoowo e nder commentaires neldude. min ƴeewtoto sahaa kala no moƴƴi (ngam frd prntion) so tawii adres neldugol ina seerti e adres lling, ko ɗuum waɗi so tawii ko a soodoowo keso -neldugol min mbaawi haajuuji email walla telefoŋ ma ngam vefy ko adii pcessing yamiroore.

    min mbaɗataa publicité mateals / faktiir ekn nde min nelda marsandiis laana, ko noon ptects yo innde yeeyoowo. ɓe nganndaa soce goonga e marsandiis oo, ɓe nganndaa pce mo njoɓɗaa oo.

    pces kollitaaɗo e faktiir neldugol maa seertu e ko yo soodoowo yoɓi ma. howr so yo customer naamndiima aɗa waawi hollirde wonde ɗeen ko nafooje ngam bayyinaango doosɗe tan. e kala sahaa pce les bayyinaa s ustude ad-valorem duty walla taxes yeeyirde nde yo customer ina waawi o yoɓa nde heɓata marsandiis naataaɗo e won e leyɗeele. ƴeewto ko fayti e naatgol / kuule njoɓdi ko adii nde yo fuɗɗotoo -ship yeeyde, e sahaa kala jogaade yo soodooɓe humpitaade.

    so soodoowo ina jogii caɗeele karallaagal, walla ina yiɗi retn puct, ɓe yeewtida e maa ɗum e maa ko adii fof ko yo konte yoga e amen.

    tesko-ɗen wonde so tawii won njoɓdi import yoɓde, aɗa heewi he yoɓde ɗum nde yoeceive marsandiis fm the coier. so tawii ko aɗa nelda, ɗuum woni yo soodooɓe ɓe mbaawataa sikkude o yoɓa njoɓdi ɓeydaandi.

    tesko ko yo responsility no o soodoowo / yeeyoowo laana ngam humpitaade humpitooji ko faati e njoɓdi e humpitaade yo soodooɓe. min njaɓataa hay batte whatsor ngam pviding humpitooji njoɓdi jowitiiɗi e leydi yo, hay so tawii of cose min mbaɗata ko whatr min mbaawi ngam ustude njoɓdi bden so tawii ko on he packing/ bayyinaango keeriiɗo jamirooje.

  • njoɓdi neldugol

    yansenen ina rokka jolngo yaawngo, ngam denndaangal yamiroore internet e nder winndere ndee kala. soodooɓe winndere, kam e soodooɓe wonɓe e caggal leydi Siin, ina njogii njoɓdi insance, ina heen kala njoɓdi walla njoɓdi doosɗe. yansenen ina heewi huutoraade dhl/ems/fedex ngam neldude, howr, eɗen mbaawi huutoraade kala neldude min cikki apppate. jokkondir e amen e kala ɗaɓɓaande keertinnde.

    waktu gollal : balɗe 3-7 golle.
    (denndaangal jeewte ina njiɗi customization personalisé, ko wayi no innde /yiɗde konnguɗi e nder jeewte)

    waktu neldugol: balɗe golle 3-5.
    (parselaaji fof ina laana e hollirde, ina ngara.)

  • tax yeeyirde & pecce

    pces fof e lowre ndee kolliraama e dolaruuji Amerik.
    ina heen njoɓdi yeeyirde, so ina woodi, maa ɓeyde e yamiroore yo.

  • toppitagol & moƴƴitingol

    so aɗa yiɗi laɓɓinde youte youte e nder galle, ko min mbiyata tan, tawa a anndaa laɓɓinde haajuuji, ina ɓuuɓna e ndiyam softuɗam ɗam huutoraaka & ndiyam ngulɗam ɗam huutoraaka. min mbeltiima no feewi e laɓɓinde you jewelry so aɗa yiɗi yuɓɓinde o nelde to e fm o biro e nder china. jokkondir e ekipaaji ballondiral e naamne.

    jokkondir e o ballal ekipaaji ko faati e feewnitagol. en njuurnitoo ɗi fof fawaade e ko haani feewnireede. +86-19129574473

  • retns & mbayliigu

    sabu ñeeñal gooto gooto jeyaaɗo e piye ry puted e o usine, yannsen ina jaɓa retns e nder sarɗi. aɗa waawi waylude marsandiis e fawaade e politik mbaylaandi cifaaɗi les ɗii. mbayliigu marsandiis mo aldaa e ɗooftaade sarɗiiji e sarziiji zi limtaazi les ina mbaawi salaade yansen, kadi maa neldee e maa.

    Woɗɗude Peod
    aɗa waawi waylude njuɓɓudi njulaagu e lowre ndee. package mo marsandiis oo foti wayleede oo, ina foti waɗeede e joloowo oo e nder balɗe s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s.

    so aɗa yiɗi waylude marsandiis, aɗa foti ɗooftaade ɗeeɗoo geɗe:
    Call +86-19129574473 or email ngam ɗaɓɓude mbaylaandi thozation. yansenen maa neldu retn etiket neldugol e maa. nate neldugol ɗee ina kuutoree tan e ñalngu toɗɗaangu e nate neldugol ɗee. hawrude e marsandiis oo e denndaangal s e kaayitaaji tawaaɗi e marsandiis oo e nder kees mum oginal. kala neldugol ina foti wonde kaɓirɗe ɗiɗi kuutortooɗe kaɓirɗe neldugol jaawɗe kese, ɗe kuutoraaka. yeru, marsandiis oo ina foti waɗeede e kees mum oginal, e nder kees express medium, e nder kees mawɗo express. siifde paaspoor neldugol ngol e jolnude nate neldugol retn.e dow paaspoor oo e kala nokku golloowo (alaa kaayitaaji) walla noddaango ngam yuɓɓinde pick-up. so a noddii ngam yuɓɓinde pick-up, paaspoor oo ina foti ƴeewteede e nder expression hade dver oo lelnude nokku ɗo pick-up woni ɗoo. aɗa foti oain e jogaade you yo keɓ. aɗa foti jogaade pof retn neldude.yannsen jaɓataa liality e nder nt a waawaa puɗde hono ndee pof. tan ko marsandiis mo yanseen heɓi oo, maa heɓ heen mbayliigu. so o heɓii marsandiis oo, venenen maa tesko wonde marsandiis oo ina weltina sarɗiiji politik mbayliigu nguu.

    sarɗiiji ngam waylude marsandiis
    jansen pucts ina foti retneede e ngonka kesa ka huutoraaka, e nder ngonka timmuka, e denndaangal kaɓirɗe ptective e nokku e tags e stickers jokkondirɗi e mum en. jansenen jaɓataa waylude kala marsandiis holliroowo sis sis, walla huutoraa walla wayleede fm ngonka mum oginal e kala fannu.

    jansen jaɓataa mbayliigu e kala yamiroore teeŋtunde, sized, wayleede, walla engred pecce.

    kala mbayliigu maa suect to stct ƴeewtaade to ense wonde marsandiis satiies yansenen tolnooji. so tawii marsandiis oo yahdaani e ɗeen ɗoon geɗe, yansenen jaɓataa waylude, marsandiis oo neldee e soodoowo oo. so tawii marsandiis oo satiies ɗeen ɗoon tolnooji, yansenen maa pceed e mbaylaandi.

  • sarɗiiji & sarɗiiji

    (The "Website") is a site operated by Shenzhen Yansenen Jewelry Co., Ltd(深圳市思达意珠宝有限公司), hereafter referred to as "Yansenen" or "we”. Use of the Website is subject to the following Terms of Use (the "Terms"). Yansenen may revise these Terms from time to time by updating this page, with the revised Terms taking effect for all users as of the date stated on the posting. Your continued use of this Website following the posting of any changes indicates your acceptance of the changes. You should consult the Terms regularly.

    Please read the Terms carefully before using the Website. You expressly acknowledge that you are aware of these Terms and have had access to the same upon entering the Website. Your use of the Website constitutes your agreement to the Terms. If you do not agree with the Terms, please do not use the Website.

    All text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, and data compilations, both individually and as they are compiled on the Website, and all software found on the Website are the property of Yansenen or our suppliers and are protected by China and international copyright laws.

    The trademarks or trade dress of Yansenen and our affiliates may not be used without our written permission. Trademarks or trade dress include the Yansenen name and other graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and services name of Yansenen's products, services, and programs, and those of our affiliates.

    Disclaimer of liability
    Neither Yansenen nor its affiliates make any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation that the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Website, including the server that makes it available, is free of viruses or other harmful components. Except as otherwise provided by applicable laws, in no event shall Yansenen, its affiliates, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, successors, and assigns, be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, consequential or other damages arising out of or related to the use, inability to use, authorized use, performance or nonperformance of the Website, as well as to damages for lost profits, business interruption or the loss of data or information, even if Yansenen was previously advised of the possibility of such damages and regardless of whether such damages arise in contract, tort, under statute, in equity, at law or otherwise.

    Governing law
    Any claims, controversies, or disputes shall be governed by the laws of the China, without regard to the principles of conflicts of law. Your use of the Website indicates your agreement that the laws of the Commonwealth of China, without regard to the principles of conflicts of laws, will govern any dispute of any sort that may arise between you and Yansenen and any of our affiliates. The disposition of any such dispute shall take place in a state or federal court located in Shenzhen,GuangDong,China. You consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such court.

    You agree to indemnify Yansenen, its affiliates, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, successors, and assigns from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from your violation of these Terms.

    Entire agreement
    These Terms (as amended from time to time) constitute the entire agreement between you and Yansenen regarding your use of the Website and any transactions you may have with Yansenen and its affiliates through the Website, and supersedes any other agreement or understanding, whether written or oral, between you and Yansenen with regard to the subject matter of the Terms.

  • politik sirlu

    Yansenen recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of information collected about you.

    The information we collect
    Generally, you may browse the Website without providing any personally identifiable information. When placing an order, you may register and create an online account. During this process, you will be required to provide valid and current personal information, including but not limited to your name, phone number, billing information, and email address, as well as other personal information such as shipping address, billing address, and payment details (collectively, the "Personal Information").

    From your purchases and other interactions with us, we obtain information concerning the specific products or services you purchase or use. When you visit this Website, our web server automatically collects anonymous information such as log data and IP addresses. We may use the automatically collected information for a number of purposes, such as improving our Website design, product assortments, customer service, and special promotions.

    How we use the information we collect
    We use this information to provide you with better service, in particular, for the following reasons:
    to complete your purchase transactions, to provide the services you request, to keep you informed about the status of your orders, to send you our catalogs and other offerings by mail, to identify your product and service preferences, so we can notify you of new or additional products, services, and promotions that might be of interest, and internal record keeping.

    The following information will be used jointly by Yansenen, PayPal, who provides the online payment portal, and your credit card company to process payment of your order: your name and address, your credit card information, the identification of the creations you have ordered, and the price paid for the creations you have ordered.

    Others with whom we may share your information:
    affiliates of Yansenen, third-party service providers and vendors we engage to help us run our business, carefully selected outside companies when we believe their products or services may be of interest to you, a purchaser or potential purchaser of our business. We may provide access to information when legally required to do so, to cooperate with police investigations or other legal proceedings, to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of this Website, to limit our legal liability and protect our rights or to protect the rights, property or safety of visitors of this Website or the public.

    Your choices regarding use of the information we collect:
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    This Website is directed to adults; it is not directed to children under the age of 13. We operate the Website in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, and will not knowingly collect or use personal information from anyone under 13 years of age.

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    The Website may link to other websites which are not within our control. We do not make any representations or warranties about any website you may access through the Website. They are independent from us, and we have no control over, or responsibility for, their information or archives. Once you leave the Website, we cannot be responsible for the protection and/or privacy of any information you provide. Make sure you understand any website's privacy policies before providing personal information.

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